Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What I noticed when I ran my first race... join me.

My alarm went off at 3:00am and I pondered what had I gotten myself into. Should I eat now, I have to meet my ride at 4:14 and I want to make sure I get done with my bodily functions before I head out. What if eating now is too soon and I won’t have enough energy?

So many thoughts are racing through my mind although I am surprisingly and methodically calm. I prepared everything last night so I wouldn’t take a chance on forgetting anything today. I know in my heart if I stay calm this will be pretty easy I just must stay grounded.

Even my dog Beau knows its okay to stay in her bed upstairs which is very unusual. She hunkers down and doesn’t even wake up when I return upstairs to brush my teeth. Seeing her sleeping peacefully is calming to me.

I had my banana and rice cake with peanut butter on it. I having been drinking water since I got up and praying it is the perfect amount, not too much so I’ll have to pee during the race or too little so that I will become weak.

I realize I forgot to remind the neighbor to feed Beau for me so run over at 3:30 to leave a post-a-note on his front door that I pray he will see when he gets his morning paper. I am still surprisingly calm.

I put my timing device around my ankle, gather up my things, make sure this throw away sweatshirt will slide easily over my head while running. (It is tradition to throw off your jacket or sweatshirt during your run and it is given to charity.) It is 47 degrees right now with a breeze.

I slowly back out of the driveway and as I pull out of the neighborhood I see a beautiful moon with Venus right next to it. How often are we up at 4:00am driving around; all is calm and very quiet.

I drive to the Target parking lot for the allotted meeting time with my ride downtown at 4:15. A car pulls in but it is not her, should I be nervous? Will she be late? The man in the car gets out he is dressed to run the race too. It seems many others are meeting here. Linda calls she is running late. I breathe and calm myself, all will be fine.

Linda arrives and we are on our way. I am still a little worried about restroom places so have her stop at a gas station on the way just to be safe. My nerves are starting to talk to me. As we get close to the race area I see many closed streets and for a moment wonder if we will find out way to the parking. Breathe…

We find the parking at the museum with no problem, it’s 4:45 and many others are sitting in the car staying warm. We have to walk about 15 minutes to get to the staging area. While sitting in the car I begin to feel my jaw clenching and I am starting to shake all over. I hold my hand up to Linda and it is trembling so hard she is stunned. She works hard to calm me down with lots of questions to distract me. It helps a little…

As we begin walking to the staging area there is excitement in the air and it is chilly with my shorts on. I am calmer now, it’s just the not knowing what to expect. I am big on control and I don’t have much right now. I breathe to get grounded and work to stay warm.

The race doesn’t start until 6:00 am but I was told to get there early by a friend that is also running, she told me it helps you to calm down. I have decided standing around is not going to be good for my legs or feet so I hunker down by a wall to try and get warm and relax by watching the others. Every shape, age and size is here. The energy is one of fun and anxious anticipation. I have been told once I cross the finish line I will be hooked and want to do many more. I’m hopeful that I will feel that way.

It’s 5:45 everyone is heading to the staging area. Shall I put myself in with the 12 minute mile group? I’m not sure, my friend Peggy tells me to do it I will be fine. I have been running anywhere between an 11-13 minute mile depending on the terrain.

It’s getting very crowded now; we are bunched up shoulder to shoulder. The Star - Spangled Banner is being sung. I have no idea what to expect I breathe to stay grounded. Have I really trained to do this? I take a moment to feel proud of myself. I have no doubt I can finish I just don’t know what it will be like or how I will feel.

The crowd starts to walk slowly pushing forward. I’m short I can’t see. I pray I don’t get swept into the Marathon crowd, how will I know which is which? We start to slowly run and I feel dizzy with all the bobbing bodies around me. I can’t see ahead or to the sides. I am a little bit freaked out the bobbing bodies make me feel strange and weightless. Am I going to faint?

Finally I see space, the park, the trees and there is room to spread out. I begin to calm down and remind myself to stay at my pace. People are flying by running to the front, wherever that is. They are in a panic to catch the front, I turn on my iPod and the first song is “Alright Now” I settle in for my adventure.

As we round the bend to start running up Colfax I look ahead and see people for miles, what an interesting experience. I have been told there will be water, gator-aide and port-a-potties along the way. I have no idea when or where. At about three miles I haven’t seen any of these. I have watched people run into gas stations go behind dumpsters and bushes and I think damn, I hope I don’t have to go that bad along the way!
I am very happy I have my water belt on with my own drink.

I see a McDonalds coming up and since I have been told that when the port-a-potties do appear they will be very crowded I decide to be safe and go into McDonalds even if I don’t have to pee yet. There is a line of 12 women already and only one stall the other is out of order. I say screw it after standing there for what seemed like 10 minutes I went into the one that was broken so I could get back out there!

I am now coming up on the first water station and have decided to only take water, no sports drinks since I have mine me. I walk and still spill on myself as I try to walk fast. It’s time to throw off my sweatshirt. I am happy it came up easily and didn’t slow me down.

The sun is up and there is a nice breeze. If I stay to the right there is shade from the buildings. Although I am learning it is smart to stay in the middle where the pavement is the most even. There are holes along the way and I am learning it is very important to look at the ground often so you know where you are stepping.

I know that we are running up Colfax to a Peoria Street and that the streets are in alphabetical order. I am getting excited because we are already to the M’s. Crap, I am wrong they quickly start over again at an A Street; I have a lot further to go than I thought. I have missed seeing some of the mile markers that are stuck to the pavement. Sigh…

I look way ahead and see what looks like a big hill with thousands of people running. Oh my, it’s not huge, but at six miles it is a hill. I am beginning to slow down and walk fast for about 30 seconds every mile to rest my legs. I want to finish strong without pain.

Wow, I am rounding the corner to start the slight downhill run back to the park. I see a guy beside me looking at his fancy watch and ask how far we have run. He tells me 7.1 miles and we are at a 12 minute mile pace. I am stunned; this is much faster than I thought, especially after the McDonalds fiasco. I am jazzed!

I prayed the breeze would change and be in our faces again for the run back and it is! The sun is now behind us and 17th Street is a beautiful tree lined place. I am feeling great although being very careful to eat my GU, drink my drink and now thinking about also eating some of the nuts I brought for protein. I want to make sure I am properly fueled. No running out of gas for this girl!

Before I know it I see the 11 mile mark. I have never run more that 10 miles in my training. I am still feeling great. While walking fast I call my mother so she won’t be so worried and tell her I am fine with only 2 miles to go. I also call Linda who is waiting for me at the finish line so she can watch for me.

I walk and run so that I will have the energy to run and look good coming to the finish. Everyone is getting excited and starting to run faster. I see a guy go flying by me, he is really fast. I hear them announce on the loud speaker that the first Marathon runner has just come in. I feel silly for a moment knowing he did 26 miles faster than my 13.1. Damn! I see the finish coming up I start to cry for a moment and then brush it off just happy to feel great and run across that line. Linda is there cheering and takes my picture. I DID IT!!!

I am not even tired; I stretch and walk around, eat a bit and then go look for my time. I finished 2:38.39 12:18 pace. Much faster than I imagined. Just think if I hadn’t stood at McDonalds so long. Oh well, something to shoot for next time.

It’s almost 7:00pm and I still feel great.

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